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ID = PT-245359 |
I mailed him to say thank you and ask him what the building in his card is. He replied my mail and explained me that he sent so many cards and he can't remember what postcard he sent to me. He asked me to scan and publish it so he can identify the building. I did it.
This is Luis answer :
The postcard shows the "Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição", Church of Our Lady of Conception, also known as the Cathedral of Santarém. It's the biggest and most important church of the city.
Ahh, thank you so much Luis. I got postcard and a new infomartion about Santarem. :)
By the way, Santarem is in Portugal or Brazil?
Updated :
Santarém is a town in Portugal, is 'bout 70 km north of Lisboa and near the river Tejo (in english Tagus).
Thank you so much, Luis. :)
2 komentar:
Aku baru daftar postcrossing kmrn hihi..
btw beli kartupos dimana ya mba yg online?
soalnya alamat yg mau ku kirim minta kartu pos kartun/storybook jadi bingung nyarinya -_-"
Hi Monika...
Selamat bergabung di postcrossing..
Kalo mau beli kartupos online bisa di facebooknya kartupos postcard... Tapi aku sendiri belum pernah beli online sih.. Biasanya kalo aku ga punya kartupos yang diminta, aku kirim sepunyaku aja tapi aku jelasin kalo aku ga punya.
Kalo aku (di Semarang) biasanya beli di Gramed Pandaran, Merbabu atau Kantor Pos Pusat Semarang).
Info lengkap tempat beli kartu pos bisa diliat di sini :
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